Debbie Young

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Talking about STIs

Talking about Sexually Transmitted Infections Workshop

It can sometimes feel uncomfortable and embarrassing talking with young people about sex and sometimes our lack of confidence, that we don’t know enough, prevents us from having these conversations.

This workshop provides a comfortable space to explore the facts about STIs and so be able to help prepare young people for healthy and safer sexual relationships as part of your Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum.

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss some key infections that can be transmitted through sex;
  • Explain risks associated with different sexual activities;
  • Explain how to protect yourself against STIs;
  • Inform young people of services they can use to get tested and how the testing process works;
  • Confidently answer young peoples’ questions about STIs and safer sex.

Workshop length: 2 hours

Cost: from £275 (please contact to discuss)

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