Debbie Young

Death, Dying, End of Life Care Planning, and Grief

Death Cafe Facilitation

Death Cafe Facilitation

What is a Death Cafe?

Death Cafes provide a unique opportunity to talk openly and honestly about death in a safe and confidential environment. There are no agendas, no objectives, or themes; the conversation is simply led by the people in the group. There is always cake and something to drink. Discover more about Death Cafes here.

If you would like to host a Death Cafe I can help:

  • Facilitate your Death Cafe with, or for you;
  • Train and support your staff so they have the confidence and skills to do this (see Workshop).

My experience of hosting and facilitating Death Cafes:

I am an experienced Death Cafe facilitator and, along with Alberta Gutteridge, host the North East London Death Cafe. I have also facilitated Death Cafes in partnership with Wellcome Collection and Willesden Jewish Cemetery and for the UCLH GP Training Programme.

You can read our feature in the Waltham Forest Echo about why we set up the North East London Death Cafe and you can follow us on Instagram. You can also read my interview with Scouting Magazine where I talk about my experience of running Death Cafes.

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