Debbie Young

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Training Programmes

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Training
'Talking with Young People about Relationships and Sexual Health'
    Training for Practitioners
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Training for Parents and Carers
'Talking with Young People about Relationships and Sexual Health'
    Training for Parents and Carers
Talking about Contraception and Condoms
'C-Card Training'
    (Condom Distribution Scheme)
      Training for Practitioners

These courses provide a blend of theory and practical techniques to enable participants to support young people to make informed relationship and sexual health choices.

My experience of working as a Contraception and Sexual Health Nurse in a young people’s clinic ensures my training always relates directly to young people’s experiences and to current practice.

I can also design bespoke training courses to address specific issues. Feel free to contact me to discuss your requirements.

Delivery options

Courses can be delivered online or in-person.

Who are they for?

  • Practitioners i.e. Youth Workers, Looked After Children Teams, Youth Justice Teams, Early Help Family Workers, School Nurses.
  • Parents and Carers.
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